5 ways to stay sane during this extended quarateen

Happier people in life learn to enjoy the smaller things, smaller joys are more frequent.

Photo by Marcelo Moreira

I bet only a handful of us, if any have ever experienced a pandemic such as this. How do you keep your family safe while still providing for them can become extremely overwhelming. We all wanted a vacation, but this is not what we had in mind. Are the days just jelling together? The sound of your kids voices starting to get on your nerves? Are you in need of some sort of mental stimulation? Here are 5 simple things you can do to maintain sanity and maybe even learn something new in the process.

1. Establish a routine

Photo Taken by August de Richelieu

The more we can stick to a routine, the better off we will be mentally and physically. Even though you want to take advantage of all the free time you have acquired, you still want to make sure to fill it with constructive options. Have a schedule listing the household chores for both you and the kids, an early schedule. This is will help get the chores out the way leaving mores time for fun and family time.

2. Take a break from the News!

The Accessibility of Information

Too much of anything isn’t good for you. I am not saying to abstain from the news all together. These are tumultuous times to be living in America. With the News being so accessible these days, it’s easy to over consume. You still have to tune in occasionally but don’t let it occupy you entire day. Take this time to detach a little. Try Learning an instrument or a foreign language, there's a thought.

3. Get Outside

Get outside as much as you can

Getting out the house is vital. Find ways to be outside, breathe some fresh air and soak up some natural vitamin “D” while still adhering to the rules of social distancing. A good run, or bike ride, or peaceful walk around the block will crevice. Being outside helps to recharge and reset the brain. Let the rhythms of nature recharge your mind and also help get your body moving. Remember, “A body in motion, stays in motion” so get moving.

4. Knock out that "To Do" List 

Photo by Cal David

We all have a few of those tasks around the house that we kept putting off. Simple tasks like packing up outgrown cloths to major tasks like remodeling. Now is a good time to tackle that cluttered garage or complete that car build you’ve been working on for years. Since you are forced to stay at home, why not get started on that “Do it yourself” home improvement project you’ve been thinking about. Take your time and knock that list out one by one. A completed list is awesome but you’ll always remember the journey to completion.

5. Accept Reality

Look ahead, things are gonna change

Although we have no certainty of when things will get back to normal. We have to prepare for the fact that the “normal “we knew may be a thing of the past. Some industries may never bounce back and some may be forced to make major changes to adapt. Schools may be affected permanently. Social distancing may cause distant learning to be the best option for education. We don’t know, but until we do, embrace change and try to stay aware of all rules and regulations and safety requirements.